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    This Web Crypto API interface provides a number of low-level cryptographic functions. It is accessed via the Crypto.subtle properties available in a window context (via Window.crypto). Available only in secure contexts.

    MDN Reference

    interface SubtleCrypto {
                | AlgorithmIdentifier
                | RsaOaepParams
                | AesCtrParams
                | AesCbcParams
                | AesGcmParams,
            key: CryptoKey,
            data: BufferSource,
        ): Promise<ArrayBuffer>;
                | AlgorithmIdentifier
                | EcdhKeyDeriveParams
                | HkdfParams
                | Pbkdf2Params,
            baseKey: CryptoKey,
            length: number,
        ): Promise<ArrayBuffer>;
                | AlgorithmIdentifier
                | EcdhKeyDeriveParams
                | HkdfParams
                | Pbkdf2Params,
            baseKey: CryptoKey,
                | AlgorithmIdentifier
                | HkdfParams
                | Pbkdf2Params
                | AesDerivedKeyParams
                | HmacImportParams,
            extractable: boolean,
            keyUsages: KeyUsage[],
        ): Promise<CryptoKey>;
            algorithm: AlgorithmIdentifier,
            data: BufferSource,
        ): Promise<ArrayBuffer>;
                | AlgorithmIdentifier
                | RsaOaepParams
                | AesCtrParams
                | AesCbcParams
                | AesGcmParams,
            key: CryptoKey,
            data: BufferSource,
        ): Promise<ArrayBuffer>;
        exportKey(format: "jwk", key: CryptoKey): Promise<JsonWebKey>;
            format: "raw" | "pkcs8" | "spki",
            key: CryptoKey,
        ): Promise<ArrayBuffer>;
            format: KeyFormat,
            key: CryptoKey,
        ): Promise<ArrayBuffer | JsonWebKey>;
            algorithm: "Ed25519",
            extractable: boolean,
            keyUsages: readonly ("sign" | "verify")[],
        ): Promise<CryptoKeyPair>;
            algorithm: RsaHashedKeyGenParams | EcKeyGenParams,
            extractable: boolean,
            keyUsages: readonly KeyUsage[],
        ): Promise<CryptoKeyPair>;
            algorithm: Pbkdf2Params | AesKeyGenParams | HmacKeyGenParams,
            extractable: boolean,
            keyUsages: readonly KeyUsage[],
        ): Promise<CryptoKey>;
            algorithm: AlgorithmIdentifier,
            extractable: boolean,
            keyUsages: KeyUsage[],
        ): Promise<CryptoKey | CryptoKeyPair>;
            format: "jwk",
            keyData: JsonWebKey,
                | AlgorithmIdentifier
                | HmacImportParams
                | RsaHashedImportParams
                | EcKeyImportParams
                | AesKeyAlgorithm,
            extractable: boolean,
            keyUsages: readonly KeyUsage[],
        ): Promise<CryptoKey>;
            format: "raw" | "pkcs8" | "spki",
            keyData: BufferSource,
                | AlgorithmIdentifier
                | HmacImportParams
                | RsaHashedImportParams
                | EcKeyImportParams
                | AesKeyAlgorithm,
            extractable: boolean,
            keyUsages: KeyUsage[],
        ): Promise<CryptoKey>;
            algorithm: AlgorithmIdentifier | RsaPssParams | EcdsaParams,
            key: CryptoKey,
            data: BufferSource,
        ): Promise<ArrayBuffer>;
            format: KeyFormat,
            wrappedKey: BufferSource,
            unwrappingKey: CryptoKey,
                | AlgorithmIdentifier
                | RsaOaepParams
                | AesCtrParams
                | AesCbcParams
                | AesGcmParams,
                | AlgorithmIdentifier
                | HmacImportParams
                | RsaHashedImportParams
                | EcKeyImportParams
                | AesKeyAlgorithm,
            extractable: boolean,
            keyUsages: KeyUsage[],
        ): Promise<CryptoKey>;
            algorithm: AlgorithmIdentifier | RsaPssParams | EcdsaParams,
            key: CryptoKey,
            signature: BufferSource,
            data: BufferSource,
        ): Promise<boolean>;
            format: KeyFormat,
            key: CryptoKey,
            wrappingKey: CryptoKey,
                | AlgorithmIdentifier
                | RsaOaepParams
                | AesCtrParams
                | AesCbcParams
                | AesGcmParams,
        ): Promise<ArrayBuffer>;


    • Parameters

      Returns Promise<JsonWebKey>

    • Parameters

      • format: "raw" | "pkcs8" | "spki"
      • key: CryptoKey

      Returns Promise<ArrayBuffer>

    • Parameters

      Returns Promise<ArrayBuffer | JsonWebKey>