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    Interface RecipientContextParams

    The parameters used to setup the RecipientContext.

    interface RecipientContextParams {
        enc: ArrayBuffer;
        info?: ArrayBuffer;
        psk?: PreSharedKey;
        recipientKey: CryptoKey | CryptoKeyPair;
        senderPublicKey?: CryptoKey;

    Hierarchy (View Summary)



    enc: ArrayBuffer

    A byte string of the encapsulated key received from a sender.

    info?: ArrayBuffer

    Application supplied information. The maximum length is 128 bytes.

    A pre-shared key (PSK) held by both the sender and recipient. The PSK should have at least 32 bytes :and the maxmum length of the PSK is 128 bytes.

    recipientKey: CryptoKey | CryptoKeyPair

    A recipient private key or a key pair.

    senderPublicKey?: CryptoKey

    A sender public key for Auth mode.